Monday, July 27, 2009

Playing Truant from Life

Someone I know has run away, disappeared off the face of the earth.

Well, if that strikes you as funny or tragic, so be it. But me, I'm just plain livid.

I mean, come on, we're all grown ups here, or at least we do our best to adhere to the accepted adult standards of behavior. So what then does one do when a fully grown male decides to up and out?

I for one, took the only logical course of action possible. I carried on with life as always. Why should I worry about someone who wants me to worry about them? That would be giving in, caving, and I refuse to cave. No way. So I had myself a merry little weekend, did all the usual things, paid extra attention to my dogs who have been exceptionally adorable over the past few days. My mom made chocolate fudge and I helped her clear the vessel, which is to say, I pretty much licked it clean. I re-read some old books, having run out of fresh reading material. I pondered the mysteries of life, specifically MY life, which is not really a weekend deal, since I do it on an everyday basis.

As bedtime approached, I took out my blanket and pillow and laid my weary self down. And thats when it happened, all the suppressed panic and worry just surged up into my mouth and I couldn't breathe. It only lasted a couple of minutes. But it was enough.

I know that this day will pass as just another manic monday, with all its trademark twists and turns and nasty surprises that jump at me from every which corner. And I shall handle it all with my trademark cynicism and smoldering sarcasm and occasional bouts of panic. And soon enough, the sun will set on my frown.

I only dread what comes later.

1 comment:

  1. Any and all forms of separation - disconnects, divides, partings, breakups, and goodbyes are temporary. Very temporary... mere fantasy.

